Friday, July 23, 2010

Oscar - after fat camp...

Hanung was very strict, and apparently Oscar had been a little piggy. So we gave him a workout regiment/diet and his looking a little more the part!

I also worked on the air tank. Again, I think there are a bunch of details that should be added in mudbox to keep the geo simple. We can talk more about it when we meet. The head is old; I haven't touched it from what Hanung gave me.

I'm going to be a wedding this weekend and then a cottage this coming week, but I'll be back next weekend to meet up.

Please check the dropbox for a version of the model.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Johan.
    I knew that he will be hard.
    The air tanks and stuffs looks OK.
    I will check your latest file now.
    Have good time this week~
